HuntSimply is where you can hunt simply for the best advice, novel inventions & unique gift ideas from our trusted experts & community.
Our mission is to help others find products that are well-designed, good quality, unique, value for money, fun to have, and most importantly, something that will bring a smile. We particularly dislike white elephants and junk or space hoggers.
HuntSimply aims to fill this need from a growing number of people who want to find relevant products, tips and ideas in an efficient manner. By combining (1) a big data semantic technology that helps you quickly search with, (2) web experts that crawl the net for the latest products, brilliant inventions, odd gadgets, unusual designs etc, as well as (3) a community of people like you, HuntSimply aims to make the Web smarter for everyone.
We believe in building relationships with people (rather than transactions), so HuntSimply aims to create an experiential online shopping experience with a personal touch.
Who Are We?
![]() | KAREN Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Key Author / Wife |
![]() | DARREN Co-Founder / Associate Editor / Contributor / Husband |
We created HuntSimply as we were not very good gift buyers. We struggled whenever we had to buy gifts, and often made last minutes purchases from the stores, and sometimes ended up not giving anything! We needed a place to look for good gift ideas and tips but are not overwhelmed with too many products.
We spend long hours earning a pay-check so that we can give our family a better living condition and yeah..things they want. but we are often too busy to truly enjoy these with them. We have seen people chasing promotions (and stepping on others to get to where they want to be); all to increase their means to consume, though the truth is that there is no correlation between increased income and increased happiness (beyond a certain income).
We also start to see people being more demanding, because they think they have work hard to be treated better. In some less developed countries, we also see many youths owning smartphones; buying things beyond their means and think nothing of running up debt.
So is HuntSimply encouraging consumerism? Promoting consumption is different from encouraging consumerism. Consuming “stuff” isn’t bad. What is bad is the meaning we derive from it. If we let things define who we are and we compare our “stuff” with others, we are saying that we are not good enough, and our worth is in how others perceive us.
On the other hand, we believe in communitarian and transcendental pursuits, meaning investing in relations with the community (including family and friends) as well as spiritual activities (including contemplative and artistic ones). We do not wish to promote “wants”, but rather gifts that can encourage social activities or conversations, health, and those with educational values etc.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do you sell products on HuntSimply?
At this moment, we do not sell products, but we especially curate them from other websites like Amazon, Ebay, Etsy etc where you can purchase the products
Can you ship to my country? What is your return policy?
As the products are from other stores, you will need to click on the ‘Buy Product’ link to check with whichever store you want to buy or you have bought your items from. We do, however, try to recommend products that are shipped to most countries.
The product you’re linking to is no longer available, or the link is broken. What should I do?
Products may run out of stock (especially since mostly items we recommend are popular) or be removed from the stores. If you come across such an instance, we will appreciate it very much if let us know which item it is so we can update it.
Do you offer a catalog or brochure that you can mail me?
At this moment, we do not offer a physical catalog or magazine that we mail out, but you can sign up for our monthly newsletter that we can send to your email that features our top items of the week.
Can I send you info on my product or a product I found online to be featured on HuntSimply?
Absolutely, we love receiving tips on new products that we haven’t heard about yet. In fact, much on HuntSimply is suggested, created, and chosen by our enthusiast communities. Simply fill out the contact form, and if we love it, we will feature it on our site.
Can I send you info on a product that I could not find online or anywhere in physical stores?
Definitely, it is one of the main reasons the site was called HuntSimply! Similarly, simply fill out this the contact form with details of the products. We will post out the information in due time, and if our community has information on it, you will be notified!