Category: Tips

10 Cliche Festive Gifts to Avoid

If you’ve been stuck in limbo, unsure of the right gifts to purchase, fret not. You can avoid these overly common gifts – and take your pick from various alternatives. 1. A Mug Nothing says “I bought this at the very last minute” more than a mug – unless they are personalised or unique/fun mugs […]

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Chocolate The Safest Bet to Give for Christmas

The Safest Bet to Give for Christmas

Are you unsure what to give for Christmas? A survey by the United Overseas Bank (UOB) shows that sweet treats may well be the safest bet to give for Christmas. Read more


How to Have Wrinkle-Free Clothes Without An Iron

Imagine having truly wrinkle-free clothes without ironing. Sure, “wrinkle-free clothes” may be the next best thing to have, but there are a few techniques you can use to straighten your clothes without lugging out your ironing board. Here’s our favorite ways to remove wrinkles out of clothes that may have you wondering why you have an iron in the first place. Read more

The Science Behind Giving the Perfect Gift

The Science Behind Giving the Perfect Gift

Most people enjoy giving and receiving gifts, but the psychology of gift-giving goes far beyond those simple feelings. In our previous article on the Art of Giving Gifts, we shared some known science behind giving the perfect gift.
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Tips for an Effective Life – Infographics

Here are some tips for an effective life, using infographics to visually illustrate hacks we could do more with in a fast-paced world. Read more

gift buying stress

How to Cut Down on Holiday Gift-Giving Stress

Whenever the holiday gift-giving season approaches, some of us might be stressed thinking about shopping for the perfect gift for our family and friends, within the limited time, energy and money. The season of joy can turn out to be a period that people weren’t finding joy in. Read more

Giving gifts that promote feelings of closeness

Giving gifts that promote feelings of closeness

“A surprising new study suggests that that [matching the recipient’s tastes] may be the wrong way to pick a gift — and that giving a gift that reflects the your own interests may make the recipient feel emotionally closer to you…. Read more

Wedding Gifts or Cash

To Give Wedding Gifts, Or Not to Give

To give wedding gifts, or not to give. That’s the question, you may have.

“When it comes to registering for gifts, a generational sea change has developed, with more and more millennial couples asking their guests to consider holding the gravy ladles and shelving the dishes in favor of gifts of a very different sort.
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banana holder

A Digital Revolution or Internet of Silly Things

“Fans of the digital revolution can point to some success that technology has had in democratising finance in parts of South-east Asia, where the majority still have no banking account… Read more

Sleep while travelling

How to Get Better Sleep Away from Home

Whether you’re in a hotel on vacation or travelling across the country for work, sleeping in an unfamiliar place takes a little getting used to. Many people find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep away from the comfort of their own bed. But certain sleep aids and techniques can help you get needed rest on the road. Here, we have compiled some common reasons travellers suffer from poor sleep and tips from sleep experts for a great night’s sleep. Read more

Decluttering Infographic

Decluttering Our Lives

Simplifying or decluttering our lives is a habit that we should learn and inculcate in others. Well, I collect a lot of unused stuff. From clothing to old textbooks to the knick-knacks, my room used to be filled with them. Once you accumulate things over years, it’s hard to find a place for everything. Read more

Talicor Lifestories

Gifts for Elderly and Dementia Sufferers

Puzzles and games are not child’s play – they can be just as challenging and helpful for the elderly. In fact, games and activities for the elderly can help to promote their mental, physical, psychological and social health. In this blog post, I hope to recommend some gifts for elderly and dementia sufferers. Read more